Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for September 26, 2016

  1. Gocomicsavatar
    aardvarkseyes  over 8 years ago

    To truly appreciate dimensional transcendence, you do kind of have to be able to get in first…

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    manlion1andrew  over 8 years ago

    It’s so Timey,Wimey,don’t you know.

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    inshadowz  about 8 years ago

    Stop eating apples! They may seem good for you, but one a day keeps The Doctor away!

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  4. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I love the scene where the amazing Clara said it’s smaller on the outside.

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  5. Selfie by chris martinez
    greasy old tam  about 8 years ago

    I have a cookie jar TARDIS. One just like it was in a episode of Dr Who called Flatline. Well, sort of just like it. On mine, the front is solid and the top opens.

    Here’s a clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KClVIBAoyFk

    Sorry about the ad that precedes it.

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    dogday Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Those of us in Chicagoland are eating up with a spoon the Tom Baker episodes every Saturday on WYCC. Went through the Sara Jane episodes to Leela and right now we’re doing the “Key to Time” episodes with the first Romana. LOVE IT!!!

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    dogday Premium Member about 8 years ago

    *at Lewis and Fry: a Christmas special barely cuts it. already been almost a year.

    I have a thought about why I’m not as fond of the recent episodes: Watching the older episodes I realized that they focused on the story, then the Doctor and finally on the companion. They currently have it REALLY wrong way up. The Doctor’s chief virtue is his value in the story, not in himself, and FOR SURE not to his companion.

    Any thoughts??

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    dogday Premium Member about 8 years ago

    OH! And Lewis and Fry — THANK YOU for the Who contact!!!

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  9. Rick o shay
    wiatr  about 8 years ago

    Uh-oh! I have a daughter-in-law waiting for the new shows to start. She will not be amused.

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