A fine case of irony and the protagonist losing in a twisted ending. I can see this filmed in crisp black and white for Thriller or TZ. Excellent again! What she could have done is written it in a certain way to where it only worked on paper with a fatal flaw only revealed in reality.
electricshadow Premium Member over 8 years ago
Her own murder, she wrote.
Ida No over 8 years ago
$20, I don’t give the book to someone who knows you.
SallyLin over 8 years ago
I hope that’s the “author’s” wife in the last panel.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
A fine case of irony and the protagonist losing in a twisted ending. I can see this filmed in crisp black and white for Thriller or TZ. Excellent again! What she could have done is written it in a certain way to where it only worked on paper with a fatal flaw only revealed in reality.
DessaLu over 8 years ago
In panel 7, the word is spelled “colleAgue.”