Back in their old jail cell which is becoming more crowded with each escape attempt. Take a ticket to use the commode, boys. Meanwhile Queen Pneumonia is most likely pleasuring herself in anticipation of a first-class lion slaughter with the sun’s rise! Where is Voldar and the Frogmen? :)> Leapin’LizardsAGowa!!
Polsixe about 8 years ago
Rondar is a real optimist.
Old Comic Strip Lover about 8 years ago
Okay. Getting kind of boring here. These long drawn out strips aren’t Tarzan’s forte when it comes to storylines.
brickhouse about 8 years ago
Tarzab abd rondar may have decieved us, but no more! Meet the new chief jailer Jan!
brickhouse about 8 years ago
Enter Jan: Poke their bloody eyes out Govn’r!
The Sinistral Bassist Premium Member about 8 years ago
This feels like recycling the same plot every few days
profkatz about 8 years ago
Back in their old jail cell which is becoming more crowded with each escape attempt. Take a ticket to use the commode, boys. Meanwhile Queen Pneumonia is most likely pleasuring herself in anticipation of a first-class lion slaughter with the sun’s rise! Where is Voldar and the Frogmen? :)> Leapin’LizardsAGowa!!
J Short about 8 years ago
Tarzan, definitely a repeat offender.