My Sophie has a fetish for anything airborne, whether tennis balls, frisbees, bumble bees and wasps, or even my tiny indoor quadcopter (she stays on-lead while I’m flying in the basement). I returned to my office once to find her on top of my desk, chasing a fly.
John Wiley Premium Member about 8 years ago
My Sophie has a fetish for anything airborne, whether tennis balls, frisbees, bumble bees and wasps, or even my tiny indoor quadcopter (she stays on-lead while I’m flying in the basement). I returned to my office once to find her on top of my desk, chasing a fly.
Dani Rice about 8 years ago
Mac, our dog is fascinated by spiders. He doesn’t chase them (a spider doesn’t move all that fast) but he pats them to death.
Doctor Toon about 8 years ago
As I mentioned yesterday we have 7 critters in the house, anything that flies is going to get attention
.The entertainment value is almost worth the damage
If I remember right, Boots was looking at a moth when we took the picture that I’m using as an avatar
Ida No about 8 years ago
“This is a job for Batman!”