I remember when my father thought about getting a fake tree. I BEGGED him not to. I even told him that I would be totally responsible for it: keeping it watered, vacuuming needles, etc., for as long as I lived in that house. My father agreed, and I kept my word. They didn’t switch to artificial until after I moved out.
There must be plenty of tree farms in Canada where they can go and harvest a fresh tree that they pick out as a family. I can remember my dad tapping the cut trunk of the tree hard a few times to dislodge and animals, needles or junk before we took it in.
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
time to get out the vacuum cleaner
charliefarmrhere about 8 years ago
Surprise? Yeah, right!
Astroman007 about 8 years ago
And, here we thought Farley had gotten into something!
Wren Fahel about 8 years ago
I remember when my father thought about getting a fake tree. I BEGGED him not to. I even told him that I would be totally responsible for it: keeping it watered, vacuuming needles, etc., for as long as I lived in that house. My father agreed, and I kept my word. They didn’t switch to artificial until after I moved out.
Kalkkuna about 8 years ago
Wait’ll they take it out after Christmas…
groovebilledani about 8 years ago
Gosh, you’d think the trees in Canada would be more freshly cut being locally grown. That’s supposed to be where most sold in the US are grown….
h.v.greenman about 8 years ago
And right after you finally vacuum up all the needles dropped comming in the house, you will have another trail next week going back out again.
Alphaomega about 8 years ago
Does Elly ever catch up with the laundry?
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 8 years ago
Elly’s not surprised, disappointed, maybe!
choo choo willy about 8 years ago
We bought our first tree from Frank’s Nursery and we could hear the needles hitting the floor when we were laying in bed.
summerdog86 about 8 years ago
Surprise!! here’s several hours worth of cleaning up and decorating to be done!
nereidab about 8 years ago
Hahaha! Some surprise!
hcarpenter1 about 8 years ago
its that way at every house that get a real tree
summerdog86 about 8 years ago
There must be plenty of tree farms in Canada where they can go and harvest a fresh tree that they pick out as a family. I can remember my dad tapping the cut trunk of the tree hard a few times to dislodge and animals, needles or junk before we took it in.