Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for September 30, 2010
September 29, 2010
October 01, 2010
Janis says, "I'm not going to roll around in the compost pile!" Arlo says, "It's only fresh-raked leaves right now!" Janis says, "Still, it's the idea!"
mywifeslover about 4 years ago
If they were on a stroll in Vermont, New Hampshire, or Tennessee she’d be singing a different tune. Use your imagination! Take the plunge.
paul.stumme about 1 year ago
Should have started with some grass clippings last summer. Then add the leaves in the fall.
paul.stumme about 1 year ago
4 parts to a successful compost operation: browns (dead leaves and twigs), greens (grass clippings and kitchen scraps, no meat), water, oxygen.