Henry “T” Ford said’: – workers must have as high wages so they can afford to buy my products.
What is robots buying for product? Lubricating oil.
Not sure if the boss is going for motivation or inspiration. Trouble with Arlo is you don’t get that person to person contact that customers want.
Is anything times zero still zero?
Isn’t this the business plan for most American corporations?
“Now I wonder where all my customers with money went.”
paul about 8 years ago
Henry “T” Ford said’: – workers must have as high wages so they can afford to buy my products.
What is robots buying for product? Lubricating oil.
Jeff0811 about 8 years ago
Not sure if the boss is going for motivation or inspiration. Trouble with Arlo is you don’t get that person to person contact that customers want.
Cronkers McGee Premium Member about 8 years ago
Plods with ...™ about 8 years ago
Is anything times zero still zero?
Striped Cat about 8 years ago
Isn’t this the business plan for most American corporations?
“Now I wonder where all my customers with money went.”