Most dogs will eat anything in sight until they either run out of edibles or kill themselves from overeating. If you are going away for more than a couple of days, never leave your dog food for the duration because he/she will eat it all at once and you will have a dead dog when you return.
marie28443 almost 8 years ago
Marm would eat every one on the table!
legaleagle48 almost 8 years ago
Marm’s reputation precedes him!
jlmjdm60 almost 8 years ago
Most dogs will eat anything in sight until they either run out of edibles or kill themselves from overeating. If you are going away for more than a couple of days, never leave your dog food for the duration because he/she will eat it all at once and you will have a dead dog when you return.
neverenoughgold almost 8 years ago
Can Marm compete with Fred Bassett?
Number Three almost 8 years ago
He does have a point.