Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for December 19, 2016
Caption: SLUGGO saved a STRAY CAT freez-ing in a WINTER STORM. The cat's been asleep under a blanket...but....would he be all right? Sluggo: WELL! You woke up! I hope you're going to be OKAY, buddy! Cat: MEOW! Sluggo: Yeah! "MEOWY CHRISTMAS" to YOU, TOO! Your LUNGS sure are working fine! Caption: To be continued GUY GILCHRIST
Argythree about 8 years ago
Sluggo now needs to find a new home for the kitty…
Wilde Bill about 8 years ago
Kitty wants some food.
linsonl about 8 years ago
I’ve always wondered…..did cats meow before they ruled humans?
smeghead57 about 8 years ago
Now Sluggo will learn: dogs have owners, cats have staff.
Crandlemire about 8 years ago
Blitzen Kitty is looking good
roberta.forbes.pyle about 8 years ago
Young kittens meow for attention from their mothers, when they are hungry, lost or frightened. When we humans become guardians of a cat, that meowing is transferred to us as surrogate mothers. I have heard it said that the meow can affect humans as a human baby cry will do, inspiring nurturing behavior.
roberta.forbes.pyle about 8 years ago
At least ’Lightning" is meowing for food, not hissing and striking out at Sluggo. He accepts Sluggo as a possible caregiver. (or “slave”.)
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
“Meow” for a cat means distress.
Kidon Ha-Shomer about 8 years ago
meow=my litter box needs cleaningmrrreow= I am hungryprrrr=I have been up to something naughty and I’m trying to win you over before you find the mess I’ve made [usually accompanied by rubbing against a leg or hopping into a lap]yeow=I’m in pain help meayep, after fifty years of being owned by them I finally speak cat.