Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for December 22, 2016
Marigold: I am sorry you felt neglected. Phoebe: Thanks. I'm sorry I was jealous. Marigold: It is all right. You are my best friend, and ideally you could spend every moment of your life basking in my boundless wonderfulness. Phoebe: Even your ego is sweet. Marigold: Then it is fortunate it is so much of my personality!
Averagemoe about 8 years ago
Having a large ego doesn’t nesessarily make someone a bad person. It depends on what the ego is founded on really. So if people agree that you deserve the title, go ahead and brag about being a hero.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Phoebe been getting it too good. She is now addicted to Marigold and has a touch of “me, mine my” fever. See also “gold fever” for a good analogy of the condition. She will have to grow out of it, maybe by 11 or 13. In some cases it is permanent.
Another Unicorn about 8 years ago
I have discovered that people who brag about being a hero seldom are. Some of my professors are absolute geniuses, but most are of humble sprit, they have studied hard and wish to pass on their knowledge to their students. Some instructors (note I did not call them professors, but they would argue that) demand respect, and they get little from their students, myself included. Just an observation. AU -
bigcatbusiness about 8 years ago
Good thing even her ego is devoted to Phoebe… in her own, odd little way.
TossedSaladCartoon about 8 years ago
Is there a reason Marigold doesn’t use contractions? Was she built by Noonien Soong?
mistie710 about 8 years ago
Is it me or does Phoebe look drunk in the first panel?
Yngvar Følling about 8 years ago
I still think Phoebe should have asked why Stephanie was so sad.
BiggerNate91 about 8 years ago
Anyone here hate the stupid pop-up ads that show up on the left side of your computer screen when you use Gocomics?
BlizzJaster about 8 years ago
Phoebe’s face and pose in panel 1 is priceless. Like somebody who thought their car was towed, and then found it parked around the other side of the block. Very relieved, and possessive at the same time. If I was Marigold, that expression would worry me.