Dad, you got any New Year's resolutions? Yep! This is the year that I learn what every button on the TV remote does! That'll be handy. Sure well. You know, they do all do something. You keep saying that. Wanna bet?
I was teaching English as a second language, and “ough” could reduce my students to tears. Tough, cough, plough, through, dough! One student was reading to me: “He guzz to town.” In her mind, if does was “duzz” then goes must be “guzz.”
Strangely enough, I just recently found something useful on my Comcast DVR remote. Something many stations now are doing when broadcasting non-HD content is they stretch the picture to fit an HD resolution, distorting the image. I discovered that pressing the leftmost “Picture-in-Picture” button at the bottom of the remote once to get an onscreen prompt, then pressing it once more for a proper resolution screen(720×480i) with a thin black line down the middle, or twice for a proper res with a very slightly distorted clear horizontal line going across the screen.
Well — here’s the new year where Frank is screaming every 5 minutes because he’s screwed up the TV again and asking everybody and anybody else to fix it…
hfelder7219 almost 8 years ago
Actually there are a number of buttons on my remote that do absolutely nothing
sbwertz almost 8 years ago
I was teaching English as a second language, and “ough” could reduce my students to tears. Tough, cough, plough, through, dough! One student was reading to me: “He guzz to town.” In her mind, if does was “duzz” then goes must be “guzz.”
ChessPirate almost 8 years ago
Strangely enough, I just recently found something useful on my Comcast DVR remote. Something many stations now are doing when broadcasting non-HD content is they stretch the picture to fit an HD resolution, distorting the image. I discovered that pressing the leftmost “Picture-in-Picture” button at the bottom of the remote once to get an onscreen prompt, then pressing it once more for a proper resolution screen(720×480i) with a thin black line down the middle, or twice for a proper res with a very slightly distorted clear horizontal line going across the screen.
Number Three almost 8 years ago
He should also learn how to use a computer or a Smartphone. He’ll give up after the first day! Or after 5 minutes.
special k almost 8 years ago
Could have said “they all do, do something”……………….HA I just said do do.
Al Nala almost 8 years ago
Mine don’t.
slsharris almost 8 years ago
Well — here’s the new year where Frank is screaming every 5 minutes because he’s screwed up the TV again and asking everybody and anybody else to fix it…