Woman in purple: I wish I was fluent in body language like that.
She’s saying “Smell my pits.” And he’s saying “No, not ever.”
She prefers to Vogue, he prefers twisting in the wind. It’ll never work.
Females are born fluent in body language.
Looks like they are spelling AS hahahahahaha
November 07, 2013
clayusmcret Premium Member almost 8 years ago
She’s saying “Smell my pits.” And he’s saying “No, not ever.”
6turtle9 almost 8 years ago
She prefers to Vogue, he prefers twisting in the wind. It’ll never work.
Ushindi almost 8 years ago
Females are born fluent in body language.
Unpunnyable almost 8 years ago
Looks like they are spelling AS hahahahahaha