Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for January 07, 2017
What happened? A fire ignited at Tokyo Medical University Hospital in April 2016 when a patient undergoing a laser operation passed gas. The ancient Egyptian calendar year began with the annual flooding of the Nile. With contestants judged on posture, weight distribution and spinal structure, Miss Perfect Posture competitions were held in the 1950s and 1960s by US chiropractors.
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
must be awfully short years when the Nile floods again a few days or weeks later
linsonl about 8 years ago
I heard about that hospital fire on the radio news.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 8 years ago
Burning it was better that smelling it.
James Wolfenstein about 8 years ago
I know that thing about the laser igniting intestinal gases was on some “serious” news sites, but I don’t believe it.I’m sure it’s a hoax.
aimlesscruzr about 8 years ago
In my younger days as a scout, we occasionally tried to light ours in the campfire and never saw ignition. What part of the anatomy were they operating on when things went BOOM?
TossedSaladCartoon about 8 years ago
Is it wrong that I always laugh when I see or hear the word “chiropractor”?
misspenny about 8 years ago
Well, that’s a toot.
Jogger2 about 8 years ago
I thought the item about the hospital fire was funny until I Googled for the story, and found the patient suffered from burns.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Ever look into what that intestinal gas is composed of? Methane, oxygen, carbon-dioxide and hydrogen.
Ever since the Aswan Dam was built, no more Nile flooding which means the renewing of the soil stopped.
I wonder why the chiropractors stopped?
UncleTim` about 8 years ago
The Nile does not flood annually since the Aswan High Dam was completed in 1970.
Radish... about 8 years ago
So there is no beginning of the year anymore.