Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for January 21, 2017
Dee Dee: Nate, do you think Sherman's okay? Nate: Whatta ya mean? Dee Dee: Well, look how fast he's breathing! Nate: Dee Dee he always breathes fast! He's a gerbil! Nate: Gerbils have a respiratory rate that's very high! Francis: Anyone want to know how high? Dee Dee and Nate: No. Sherman: Actually, I was just doing some cardio.
heyitsconnor1236 almost 8 years ago
heyitsconnor1236 almost 8 years ago
and its 70-120 breaths per min
Comics almost 8 years ago
Wow cardio? And by the way! First comment!
Comics almost 8 years ago
Do you think Sherman is gonna dye?
Professor W almost 8 years ago
First time Francis is false
Knightman Premium Member almost 8 years ago
And the wheels go round and round!!!
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 8 years ago
The two are agreeing now that Francis’ factoids have become annoying.
BiggerNate91 almost 8 years ago
Sherman is the Big Nate Garfield.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 8 years ago
Maybe he comes from Sherman’s Planet (ST). But yes the smaller you are the faster the metabolism gets.
JPuzzleWhiz almost 8 years ago
Wow, Nate actually knows something!
TLRyll365 almost 8 years ago
of all people to say that, nate? nah m8. fgs, man
TLRyll365 almost 8 years ago
fgs=for goodness sake
ND Cool Z almost 6 years ago
I wonder why we get to read thoughts from Sherman, but not from Spitsy or Pickles..
Arcery about 4 years ago
How does he know that?
ThorbadCorkc over 1 year ago
I Ship Nate x Dee Dee, they are soo cool together