He still has his health! I see a great career in her future! (Of course, we already know that from yesterday’s strip, but still . . .) And it can’t hurt that he’s the judge (or at least one of them).
Philippe! He knew when & where, so he decided to go meet her. He already knows she is the best baker, since Gluttony approved of her baking. Ethan’s does have a better presentation, but without good flavor it can’t win.
McColl34 Premium Member about 7 years ago
He still has his health! I see a great career in her future! (Of course, we already know that from yesterday’s strip, but still . . .) And it can’t hurt that he’s the judge (or at least one of them).
VampiricUnicorn about 7 years ago
and now we’ve come full circle. :)
archipelago Premium Member about 7 years ago
Philippe! He knew when & where, so he decided to go meet her. He already knows she is the best baker, since Gluttony approved of her baking. Ethan’s does have a better presentation, but without good flavor it can’t win.
Willywise52 Premium Member about 7 years ago
scyphi26 about 7 years ago
Aw, that was nice of her, swallowing her pride to save the work of the stuffed-up baker I don’t like.
…well, I don’t. He’s too full of himself. But let’s not make this about me.
Casey Jones about 7 years ago
Guess he’s had too much baking powder
Dragoncat about 7 years ago
Bonus points for the save!!!