rj, verne's 'n' hammy... loggin' the 2's 'til spring.. zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz slurp! what the... ahhhhh! punt! fred the wood tick. tick: it's a long winter. I get thirsty. I'm feeling faint. verne, put your head between your knees... your knees!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Oh, Lordy, that’s funny.
!!ǝlɐ⅁ almost 8 years ago
Good that it wasn’t Hammy who got bit!
ckeller almost 8 years ago
Great Airplane reference
Mostly Water Premium Member almost 8 years ago
What goes on in the log stays in the log.
euvnrutas almost 8 years ago
Part of the legal team of Blood, Suche and Err.
Roadrunner Premium Member almost 8 years ago
HO, Ho, ho…What a toon to start the day!!
Stephen Gilberg almost 8 years ago
I’m sure Verne’s not that flexible, except maybe if he takes his shell off.
Chuck almost 8 years ago
I believe ticks prefer warm blood to cold blood, just saying.