Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for May 16, 2024

  1. Unclescrooge
    LeslieBark  7 months ago

    Per Wikipedia: "Douglas Corrigan (born Clyde Groce Corrigan; January 22, 1907 – December 9, 1995) was an American aviator, nicknamed “Wrong Way” in 1938. After a transcontinental flight in July from Long Beach, California, to New York City, he then flew from Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn to Ireland, although his flight plan was filed to return to Long Beach.Corrigan claimed his unauthorized transatlantic flight was due to a navigational error, caused by heavy cloud cover that obscured landmarks and low-light conditions, causing him to misread his compass. However, he was a skilled aircraft mechanic (he helped construct Charles Lindbergh’s Spirit of St. Louis) and had made several modifications to his own plane, preparing it for his transatlantic flight. He had been denied permission to make a nonstop flight from New York to Ireland, and his “navigational error” was seen as deliberate. Nevertheless, he never publicly admitted to having flown to Ireland intentionally."

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  7 months ago

    Morning, Anniephans!

    He’s telling the truth. There’s quite a difference!

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  3. Large pumpkin in window
    Dkram  7 months ago

    Hello there Annei fans

    I can believe that a person can get lost in the air. Go on Google Earth and try to look around without following the roads in your home terf.

    Thank you LeslleBark for the historic info on Wrong Way Corrigan.

    Well, have a good day all y’all and may God bless.


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  4. Avatar92
    JPuzzleWhiz  7 months ago

    Three-point landing?

    “Return to Kodiak,” 5-7-2004:

    gocomics .com /annie/2004/05/07?ct=v&cti=1028975

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  5. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  7 months ago

    It’s still a heck of a lot easier than finding your way on the ground. From the air it looks more like the map.

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