Rebuild and be sure to screen your new directors and your new body dubble.
This body dubble business reminds me of a Japanese movie I’ve seen where a beggar turns out to be a dead ringer for the local warlord. One of the best movies I have ever read.
Seven above this morning. Spring is just around the corner.
davidf42 1 day ago
Morning, Anniephans!
Restructuring is right!
Light freeze continues in southeast Texas. Overnight low of 30.
Dkram 1 day ago
Good morning Annie Fans.
Rebuild and be sure to screen your new directors and your new body dubble.
This body dubble business reminds me of a Japanese movie I’ve seen where a beggar turns out to be a dead ringer for the local warlord. One of the best movies I have ever read.
Seven above this morning. Spring is just around the corner.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 1 day ago
Hey Oliver—watch out for that Musk guy.He’s trouble
JPuzzleWhiz 1 day ago
“Bring it, buster!”
“Annie at Broadcast Ranch,” 12-30-2004: