Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for February 07, 2017
Nate: What's so wrong about giving Valentines to more than one girl? All girls like getting a valentine from a hot guy! Francis: A hot guy? Francis: You're not a hot guy. Nate: Yes, I am. I'm an inferno. Nate: Dee Dee! I'm an inferno, right? Dee Dee: Inferno as in "dumpster fire" or "natural disaster"? Francis: Take your pick! Nate: Zip it, Francis.
Comics almost 8 years ago
You are right! Natagator Slob! What do you think Nate is?
Phred Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Very funny.
Knightman Premium Member almost 8 years ago
If Nate is natural disaster. Francis is a NERD BUCKET!!! Dee Dee is a Prima Donna!!!
ultrabot7436 almost 8 years ago
Sending a valentine to multiple girls is offensive, but sending them to alllll. You will find yourself waking up in an alley, Nate.
ericbutts74 almost 8 years ago
Nate: towering inferno of humility.
Professor W almost 8 years ago
Not as thrilling as Tom Hanks’ movie
Clearstream almost 8 years ago
I would say “Natural Disaster inferno”, but what do you guys think?
Teddy Squareroot Ortiz almost 8 years ago
ND Cool Z almost 6 years ago
Nate’s Inferno!!
Deleted Account2623 almost 5 years ago
Nate is a Little Inferno
Bignatefan40 almost 5 years ago
Dumpster fire
RBK_sandwich over 4 years ago
funny bc he asked DD
PizzaKitty over 4 years ago
No, he’s (to quote another strip) a “soggy charcoal briquet”
DACuber 11 months ago
probably a natural disaster, because he is a natural at it (no pun intended)
STUFF ENJOYER 10 months ago
I’d go with Natural Disaster.