Wallace the Brave by Will Henry for January 25, 2017
January 23, 2017
January 27, 2017
Mr. McClellan: There's gonna be a screen by the key.... Mr. McClellan: Wallace, you come around looking to- tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet Mr. McClellan: who gave sterling a whistle? Sterling: I took it!
Clearstream almost 8 years ago
That third panel is absolutely magnificent. I love Sterling.
hawksley.luke almost 8 years ago
Glad it was a whistle and not a cell phone he was twittering with!
iainrmw almost 8 years ago
Run this play again. Agree with Clearstream.The facial expressions are excellent across the board. “I’m not impressed.”
icababy16 Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Real nice moves little guy
Justin Lucas almost 8 years ago
nasty little kid..
Amelia Wil almost 8 years ago
is that amelia? shes on the team too?
CyberDyne Systems - Model 101 almost 3 years ago
Kinda wondering what happened to players 3, 4, and 5.