Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 15, 2017
Doctor: Fellahs, today I thought I'd let you interact a little on your own. I want the group to hold a presidential straw poll! I'm going to step out of the room for a few minutes, and you... Voice: A straw poll? Man 1: Who's expected to win it? Duke: What if he does worse than expected? Man 2: Should so much power be in the hands of so few? Doctor; It's not actually that much power, Billy. Duke: It's a beauty contest, kid. Man 2: No Bellevue bump?
BE THIS GUY almost 8 years ago
Is this why Dukakis got the nomination?
Argythree almost 8 years ago
@FLASH GORDON: Actually, this ‘toon is from the past, so maybe it is about Dukakis. Actually, given today’s crowd, Dukakis would be a welcome relief…
rpmurray almost 8 years ago
We let the crazies in the nut house vote in the last election, but fortunately the candidate they voted for did not win.
Linguist almost 8 years ago
The Bellevue Bump sounds like a dance from the Roarin’ 20’s rather than a political uptick.
montessoriteacher almost 8 years ago
Nothing from 1988 compares to today, especially in politics. Time for GT to get back in the saddle. The Russian scandal absolutely rivals watergate. As Keith olbermann said on his recent video, even in terms of not holding the meeting on North Korea recently in a nonsecure location, in a country club— if Clinton had done that, she would have been impeached by sunrise. People were strolling by, using cell phones to take photos of the whole thing. Cell phones can be hacked. They contain info and tech that give loads of intel. Trump is not only a narcissist, his behavior is putting us all in jeopardy each day. Nothing that Clinton did ever came close to the Russian debacle of the trump administration!
montessoriteacher almost 8 years ago
Roland hedley describes the pre-election accurately in his tweet below— it was a coup.
montessoriteacher almost 8 years ago
Gotta recall the Nixon days to compare it to trump. What did the prez know and when did he know it?
Govi Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Seems like a representative group of those who elected Trump. Things that were, are again, sadly. People don’t really learn, not as a group.
montessoriteacher almost 8 years ago
Just as there were Nixon loyalists, there are now trump loyalists, who are unable to see what is abundantly clear to everyone else. It is amazing. If you had a neighbor who was a pathological liar, you would know to steer clear of such a person, yet the trumpsters are unable to do so. I live in Kansas, so I see many of the trumpsters around, although a few of them are starting to crack. Trump and his ilk around him have clung to so many falsehoods which are so demonstrably false as to be comical at times, if it weren’t so sad for all who have to be embarrassed by them.
montessoriteacher almost 8 years ago
I am in no way dreaming in this scenario, unfortunately.
mourdac Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Pretty clear who the Bellevue crowd would have voted for.
Dragoncat almost 8 years ago
I know this strip is decades old, but I’m pretty sure this is how Trump won the election.