This reminds me of when a niece whined that kids at school liked some other girl more than herself. I asked her if she’d rather be interested or interesting. She said, “interesting.” I asked what she is interested in, and she said, “not much.” I told her that didn’t sound very interesting. She just stared at me for a awhile and then wandered off. It took awhile to seep in.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Get back in the box and drink that Kool-Aid.
Bryan Smith Premium Member almost 8 years ago
He’s a quick learner!
ART Thompson Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Last frame = Eureka!
drycurt almost 8 years ago
This reminds me of when a niece whined that kids at school liked some other girl more than herself. I asked her if she’d rather be interested or interesting. She said, “interesting.” I asked what she is interested in, and she said, “not much.” I told her that didn’t sound very interesting. She just stared at me for a awhile and then wandered off. It took awhile to seep in.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 8 years ago
Autodidacts by their very name do it on their own. I am one. My problem? I am interested in too much.