Hack hack kawf kawf Would you like a cough drop? Maybe. Let me hear the list of possible side effects.
Cough drop breath
Rotten teeth
Do cough drops actually have side effects?
It’s not something I’ve really wondered about until now.
That boy be ailin’! And watchin’ too much TV.
Greg Cravens
August 05, 2017
September 12, 2017
September 19, 2017
September 30, 2017
Doctor Toon almost 8 years ago
Cough drop breath
cuzinron47 almost 8 years ago
Rotten teeth
Number Three almost 8 years ago
Do cough drops actually have side effects?
It’s not something I’ve really wondered about until now.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 8 years ago
That boy be ailin’! And watchin’ too much TV.