Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for March 22, 2017

  1. Bribery s cat 2
    TracyFan 65  over 7 years ago

    Poor Chipper. His office “mangler” is a near basket case. Don’t think I would have too much confidence in going to such a medical office.

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    JPuzzleWhiz  over 7 years ago

    Some jokes are best left untold, Chip…!

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    stealth694  over 7 years ago

    Mangler definitely fits her.

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    HectorPriam  over 7 years ago

    Are Chipper & Ruthie going to develop into a huge romance, just like Frankie & Johnny, Porky & Beth, Solomon & Gomorrah?

    But wait…isn’t Ruthie Clovia’s best friend from her high school days? If so, wouldn’t that amount to INSECT for a relationship between Chipper & Ruthie?

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    Sue G  over 7 years ago

    Ruthie doesn’t look old enough to be Clovia’s friend. As office mangler, wouldn’t she just schedule or reschedule appointments? Maybe send an emergency to another doctor or the e/r.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    An incarnation of Gracie Allen.

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