Matches have been around in one form or other for almost 2000 years. The friction match was invented in 1816. The first lighters were flint locks used to fire guns. The modern lighter was invented around 1903.
As usual in Boston the police horses are above the law (if there is such a law here). The horses pulling tourists however do have a catch pouch before the buggy.
Templo S.U.D. almost 8 years ago
What is señor Luca’s purpose of living in the mountains for four decades?
Bilan almost 8 years ago
Pedro was trying to escape after seeing Smokey and the Bandit.
e.groves almost 8 years ago
A cave to one man is a castle to another.
The Pro from Dover almost 8 years ago
Those horses are so pampered.
Max Starman Jones almost 8 years ago
Pedro looks a lot like John Wayne.
wjones almost 8 years ago
Matches have been around in one form or other for almost 2000 years. The friction match was invented in 1816. The first lighters were flint locks used to fire guns. The modern lighter was invented around 1903.
LV1951 almost 8 years ago
Do they make “Horse Wipes”? lol!
davidweinstock almost 8 years ago
in cuba, they use diapers on horses in the tourism trade, but not in the ag business.
Bob. almost 8 years ago
Horses in New Orleans had to wear them back in the 80s. Maybe still do.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 8 years ago
Didn’t the Assyrians have matches? And fragmentation grenades?
Dean almost 8 years ago
As usual in Boston the police horses are above the law (if there is such a law here). The horses pulling tourists however do have a catch pouch before the buggy.