Ohh noooo….. Muscle Milk…
The gateway drug to…. gasp! …..Tofurella®!
Stick up for yourself, you know that officer is full of bull. Don’t let him charge you like that. He’s just upset because your wearing a red shirt.
He cornfessed and was grilled….with questions.
Charlie Podrebarac
July 10, 2015
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 7 years ago
Ohh noooo….. Muscle Milk…
The gateway drug to…. gasp! …..Tofurella®!
P51Strega over 7 years ago
Stick up for yourself, you know that officer is full of bull. Don’t let him charge you like that. He’s just upset because your wearing a red shirt.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 7 years ago
He cornfessed and was grilled….with questions.