Maybe its the kind of love where you don’t always get tingly? Or you don’t get nervous? Then again, if they don’t like each other, they don’t like each other. Their choice.
Don’t give up Nate! Remember, that was the first date you had with her. After 25+ more dates then you can decide what you think, also ask her what she thinks.
kittymelonmeow over 7 years ago
So chad meant he didn’t fart??Plz someone tell me
BigNateRules! over 7 years ago
Mr. Pierce, I wonder if you could possibly bring back Trudy into Nate’s life, as an enemy maybe! Or maybe even Kelly or Angie!
ultrabot7436 over 7 years ago
Maybe its the kind of love where you don’t always get tingly? Or you don’t get nervous? Then again, if they don’t like each other, they don’t like each other. Their choice.
Professor W over 7 years ago
Do butts chronicle love?
BigNateFan over 7 years ago
They think the other person likes them how romantic ( Replies welcome )
browzy over 7 years ago
only 11:04 at 3/28 where I’m at. gosh I love timezones
Knightman Premium Member over 7 years ago
Butt falling asleep in class is quite natural, especially on the hard chairs one sits on.
Mr. Funny Guy over 7 years ago
Don’t give up Nate! Remember, that was the first date you had with her. After 25+ more dates then you can decide what you think, also ask her what she thinks.
BiggerNate91 over 7 years ago
We need Ruby Dinsmore at some point.
Godzilla2016 over 7 years ago
Yes! There is finally a calendar
BiggerNate91 over 7 years ago
So how you guys like the new update?
Nate Wright over 7 years ago
I’m moving on
ND Cool Z almost 6 years ago
Are the chairs in math class as hard as the one in the principal’s office?
Over-Confident Nate (Comic Reviewer) almost 4 years ago
Mario Kart about 3 years ago
How long is their math class?
STUFF ENJOYER 10 months ago
Very helpful, Chad.