Speed Bump by Dave Coverly for March 21, 2017

  1. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 8 years ago

    She’ll become head bored.

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  2. Ytinav
    jreckard  almost 8 years ago

    But I’m still your pal, Joey.

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  3. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  almost 8 years ago

    Lewis Grizzard standard: “That dog’ll biiite you!”

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  4. Img 0014
    Charlie Tuba  almost 8 years ago

    He was grey and he was woolly, and his pride was inordinate: he danced on an outcrop in the middle of Australia, and he went to the Little God Nqa.He went to Nqa at six before breakfast, saying, ‘Make me different from all other animals by five this afternoon.’Up jumped Nqa from his seat on the sandflat and shouted, ‘Go away!’He was grey and he was woolly, and his pride was inordinate: he danced on a rock-ledge in the middle of Australia, and he went to the Middle God Nquing.He went to Nquing at eight after breakfast, saying, ‘ Make me different from all other animals; make me, also, wonderfully popular by five this afternoon.’Up jumped Nquing from his burrow in the spinifex and shouted, ‘Go away!’He was grey and he was woolly, and his pride was inordinate: he danced on a sandbank in the middle of Australia, and he went to the Big God Nqong.He went to Nqong at ten before dinner-time, saying, ‘Make me different from all other animals; make me popular and wonderfully run after by five this afternoon.’Up jumped Nqong from his bath in the salt-pan and shouted, ‘Yes, I will!’

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  5. Missing large
    Stephen Gilberg  almost 8 years ago

    Yoga does wonders.

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