Missing data. How many minutes? When is the class? How long does it take to get to class? Do I have to be dressed for class? Do I need to be coherent for class, or is this a liberal arts class where I get credit for just showing up?
I never saw the point of a snooze button. You could not possibly still sleep after that alarm went off, and even if you doze, you will end up being more tired. Set the alarm for when you really want to get up, then do so.
Farside99 over 7 years ago
Missing data. How many minutes? When is the class? How long does it take to get to class? Do I have to be dressed for class? Do I need to be coherent for class, or is this a liberal arts class where I get credit for just showing up?
Dani Rice over 7 years ago
Presumably the kid taking the exam knows what time his class starts – but I wouldn’t put too much money on it.
sfreader1 over 7 years ago
I never saw the point of a snooze button. You could not possibly still sleep after that alarm went off, and even if you doze, you will end up being more tired. Set the alarm for when you really want to get up, then do so.
dflak over 7 years ago
My alarm clock is half way across the room. I have to get out of bed to silence it.
garcoa over 7 years ago
Simple answer – you are never late for a class you never intended to attended.