He learned his lessons in frugality well. Maybe if you’d taught him generosity as well, then he’d be a more generous person now. But, then, just because all his friends had things, it didn’t mean he had to have them too.
He invests himself every year. The best card I ever gave my mother was one back in the ’50s. I never found a manufactured card quite as good but I found serviceable ones.
gmartin997 over 7 years ago
He learned his lessons in frugality well. Maybe if you’d taught him generosity as well, then he’d be a more generous person now. But, then, just because all his friends had things, it didn’t mean he had to have them too.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 7 years ago
He did better than Luann and she doesn’t appreciate the effort as Nancy did.
SheMc over 7 years ago
Haha, It’s the thought that counts!!!
grossvatter over 7 years ago
he lives in the basement,and has a paper route with 14 people on the route! I make him pancakes every morning.He is a good boy.Little Charlie Manson
wiatr over 7 years ago
He invests himself every year. The best card I ever gave my mother was one back in the ’50s. I never found a manufactured card quite as good but I found serviceable ones.
Skylark over 7 years ago
Don’t knock it. Mine (oldest) is 62 and he still makes me a card. He DOES have artistic talent which helps!
FishDog93 over 7 years ago
Aww she raised a snowflake! Wonder if he lives in the basement rent free?