Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 18, 1992
Joanie: So where would you like to start, inspector? Man: Well, first I need a little personal data, ma'am. You were married once before, correct? Joanie: Yes, to Clint Caucus, for nine years. You know, I used to think that was the end for me, that the slightest blemish in one's personal life meant no future in politics...ironic isn't it? Man: I hope not. It's against procedure to use irony in a bureau report. Joanie: Really? How come? Man: It messes up the computers. Is "Caucus" his real name or ironic?
Solomon J. Behala Premium Member 11 days ago
Wasn’t her first marriage 16 years? It was definitely more than nine; JJ was 10 when she left.