Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 25, 1993
Mike: (Hmm..wonder how this campaign will turn out...On the other hand, who cares?) Alex: Hey, Dad-Meister! What are we going to do for "Take Your Daughter to Work Day"? Mike: Um...for what, Alex? Alex: Didn't you read the note from school? On Wednesday, you're supposed to take me to work - to make me feel valued! Mike: Valued? How can a little girl, or a little boy, for that matter, feel valued in today's workplace? Look what it's done for me! I'm just another disposable worker, called in to handle specific projects, and then let go as soon as they're over! No benefits, no job security, no future...I don't even know if I'll be working Wednesday, let alone where... Alex: Okay, then. Why don't we have a "Take Your Daddy to Nursery School Day"? Mike: Um..what for, honey? Alex: You could get a fresh start! Re-train!
Chrysi Cat Premium Member over 5 years ago
“Plus ça change…” Too bad that the storyline this is tied to got ditched when we got to this point in the reprints, because I’d love to have seen the comments on that first Take our Daughters day. (I wasn’t/won’t be at either’s workplace that day, because I was already 16).