Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for June 05, 2017

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    jeffiekins  over 7 years ago

    …or maybe they’re planning on standing on their own feet, and hoping not to need the ’rents to keep swooping in to rescue them. (Offering them a place to build a house for their retirement is different.)

    Maybe he’s just concerned that he doesn’t want to sound ungrateful, and at the same time doesn’t want her to think they want it to be a frequent thing. So the only safe option left is “K”.

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    57-Don  over 7 years ago

    Hrumph, lazy generationals. Hrumph, stand on their own 2 feet. For most of the 19th and 20th centuries opening a family business meant relying on everyone in the family who could help out. Isn’t this the “Great America” they’re always yammering on about getting back to?

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    Deezlebird  over 7 years ago

    Lazy generationals? Seriously? They aren’t living with Arlo and Janis, they are running a farm, a produce stand, and a cafe. I’d say that’s anything but lazy.

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    SaraHarrington  over 7 years ago

    Come on……seriously??!! I read the comics for entertainment, but I had to comment because you people who leave comments about the strip must really have a boring life!!! I bet you thought soap operas were real too….

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    ChessPirate  over 7 years ago

    “Let’s go back!”

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    Ladylagomorph  over 7 years ago

    Or….that’s how people who really “just text” actually TEXT.

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    baraktorvan  over 7 years ago

    The original text was also grammatically incorrect; no punctuation and using an abbreviation.

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