Bwa ha ha, I can’t stop laughing at Elvis in the last panel. That happened to my Mozart once though it was a big blue bottle fly not a bee. He didn’t react well to having said fly on his nose, ran backwards flailing madly trying to swat it off :)
. . . there is a very painful lesson to be learned about bees and it could result in another trip to the vet for poor Elvis. Sadly, strange live intruders are very fascinating to our mob of cats . . . as much as that horrid “red dot” or their feather toy, which are much safer. “Bee safe, Elvis!”
I lost my Birman, Weasel, to a bee sting several years ago. He got stung on the LHS of his face, I got him down the vet as his face was swelling up. Despite treatment he died a few days later.
My kitty was stung on the ear. It swelled up & he was developing a fever when the vet saw him. It’s slowly emptying, & we chose not to operate, as he’s in no pain & I don’t like to stress animals needlessly. Will have a somewhat crinkly ear, but he’s happy. Nothing else matters. But be sure to get pets to vet if any stings occur. They can be just as vulnerable to dangerous allergies as people. Our deepest sympathies to Weasel’s family.It is never easy to lose a sweet kitty!
We just had a horrible issue with wasps getting into our place after a basketball-sized hive was removed from our balcony. Our two cats could take them or leave them. This was fortunate, because anytime I saw one near a cat, I’d quietly beg the cat to come to me – and they complied!! Must have been my tone, because it’s pretty rare for them to come when called (they are cats!)
butler2jc over 7 years ago
“knocked everything into the toilet as a display of power”. i love it!!
butler2jc over 7 years ago
elvis, it’s as plain as the nose on your face. wait, you can’t see your nose either.
whisplicka Premium Member over 7 years ago
Just be patient, Boys,,,that durned bee will be with you in a moment. Then you can have your way with it. Good Luck !!!
poppet bear over 7 years ago
Bwa ha ha, I can’t stop laughing at Elvis in the last panel. That happened to my Mozart once though it was a big blue bottle fly not a bee. He didn’t react well to having said fly on his nose, ran backwards flailing madly trying to swat it off :)
dadoctah over 7 years ago
I had a yellowjacket sit on my kitchen counter once and watch me make a sandwich. Looked for all the world like a little bronze emperor.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 7 years ago
Keep the toilet lid down!
Gent over 7 years ago
Hard to beet a bee, eh?
MDMom over 7 years ago
. . . there is a very painful lesson to be learned about bees and it could result in another trip to the vet for poor Elvis. Sadly, strange live intruders are very fascinating to our mob of cats . . . as much as that horrid “red dot” or their feather toy, which are much safer. “Bee safe, Elvis!”
More_Cats_Than_Sense over 7 years ago
I lost my Birman, Weasel, to a bee sting several years ago. He got stung on the LHS of his face, I got him down the vet as his face was swelling up. Despite treatment he died a few days later.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago
Where is Mam & Man? This is a job for the people!
!!ǝlɐ⅁ over 7 years ago
Elvis is going to get a fat lip, isn’t he? Psst, Elvis, don’t eat the bee! Um, yeah, a lot of us have gone down that road of futility, huh? O.o
shaunnmunn over 7 years ago
My kitty was stung on the ear. It swelled up & he was developing a fever when the vet saw him. It’s slowly emptying, & we chose not to operate, as he’s in no pain & I don’t like to stress animals needlessly. Will have a somewhat crinkly ear, but he’s happy. Nothing else matters. But be sure to get pets to vet if any stings occur. They can be just as vulnerable to dangerous allergies as people. Our deepest sympathies to Weasel’s family.It is never easy to lose a sweet kitty!
oops Premium Member over 7 years ago
Any minute now, he’ll BEE BUZZ-STING out of that bathroom! Bzzzzzarre…
ladykat over 7 years ago
Careful, Elvis, don’t lose your temper with the bee.
diskus Premium Member over 7 years ago
Im going to try that display of power.
Alec McLure Premium Member over 7 years ago
“No, but I knocked everything into the toilet as a display of power!” Been there!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago
Looks like he has a funny mustache and goatee.
cesateristen over 7 years ago
We just had a horrible issue with wasps getting into our place after a basketball-sized hive was removed from our balcony. Our two cats could take them or leave them. This was fortunate, because anytime I saw one near a cat, I’d quietly beg the cat to come to me – and they complied!! Must have been my tone, because it’s pretty rare for them to come when called (they are cats!)
-unbound- 10 months ago
wait this is one of the very first strips >