Fred Basset by Alex Graham for September 24, 2017

  1. Albino turtle 2
    boydpercy Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Ain’t that the truth. If you’re lucky, you can extend that to year round.

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    Uncle Bob  about 7 years ago

    “Lazy days; just right for lovin’ away. Lazy days, made for strollin’ the lane. Baby you and me, and the honeybees, lazy days for you and me!!”… S. McFarland

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    alondra  about 7 years ago

    Summer is right, though the calendar says fall. It might as well be mid July here with 90+ degree weather (this is CANADA). Usually the weather says fall long before the calendar does, not this year!

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  4. Sneaky garfield  solar eclipse  002
    Sneaker  about 7 years ago

    Been to Hawaii 2 times Once in February & once in May. Nice and warm both times . If I could afford to live there ,that is where I would be, unless of course that idiot from N. Korea want to use it for target practice!!

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    DavBlc7  about 7 years ago

    Nearly October and it’s like October weather here in the UK. Foggy and drizzles this morning. Autumn here but in US and Canada you call it Fall!

    I think this cartoon was done in July or last month before it appeared yesterday.

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