Interesting word Abracadabra – been using it all my life and didn’t know until now that it has Hebrew and Aramaic roots, which means it has it’s origin in Egyptian: Abreka-Tep Ra , which means ‘Go Down on your Left Knee before the Word of Ra.’ If Satchel doesn’t explain the trick quick, he might go down on his knee before the phone of Bucky.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 7 years ago
Nice hat!
shawnc1959 over 7 years ago
“Any sufficiently advanced sleight of paw is indistinguishable from magic.” (apologies to Arthur C. Clarke)
Indycar over 7 years ago
His magical phrase is terrible.
ericbutts74 over 7 years ago
Interesting word Abracadabra – been using it all my life and didn’t know until now that it has Hebrew and Aramaic roots, which means it has it’s origin in Egyptian: Abreka-Tep Ra , which means ‘Go Down on your Left Knee before the Word of Ra.’ If Satchel doesn’t explain the trick quick, he might go down on his knee before the phone of Bucky.
PastPluperfect over 7 years ago
Satchel almost qualifies for being a magical dog. If he was a lab he’d be an abracalabrador.
eb110americana over 7 years ago
There was a classic episode of “Tales from the Crypt” titled “Abra Cadaver.”
Kind&Kinder over 7 years ago
I smell a new animated feature: we had Apple Bonkers in Yellow Submarine , so I guess we’ll have phone bonkers in Bucky Lays Satch Low!