Michael Ramirez for August 29, 2017

  1. Bluefish
    running down a dream  almost 7 years ago

    agree. united we stand. divided we fall.

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    twclix  almost 7 years ago

    So let’s get rid of the mentally ill “president.” He’s the one who has exploited the divisions amongst us. Hurry up Mr. Mueller!!

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    DonnyTwoScoops  almost 7 years ago

    I would be more worried about the climate but thank God Trump has figured out that global warming is just a Chinese hoax. Those Chinese are clever but our President is even smarter. Don’t worry Texas and Louisiana it’s just a hoax.

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    Ally2005  almost 7 years ago

    Trump goes to Texas and thanks the crowd for a “Great turnout”. Great turnout for an epic flood I guess. Everything is always about him. Never said anything about the loss of life. He simply has no capacity for empathy or compassion toward any other human being……P.S. The hat he wore sells for $40 bucks on his merchandise web site…..

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  5. Bbb
    NeoconMan  almost 7 years ago

    Enough of this “united” stuff. Can’t wait until tomorrow when Ramirez gets back to sliming Liberals and Progressives again.

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    awesomesteeler  almost 7 years ago

    Poignant words stated – #RacismIsTaught….

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    twclix  almost 7 years ago

    Hey Gnarus, didya you know the TX delegation voted against Sandy aid? Oh those democrats. Even trying to help the citizens in a state led by a bully-boy republican governor. Imagine that. Texas, on the other hand regularly muses about secession.

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    twclix  almost 7 years ago

    @Drpawl…very cogent comment except the “reasonable people” part. Truly reasonable people understand the balance between helping others and helping oneself.

    The cons generally have talked about decreasing government size “so it can be drowned in the bathtub.” They are against government at the very moment in the history of the species when we are most interdependent. That interdependence requires collaboration. That collaboration is the remit of government. Why is this not obvious? Very sadly, we have to cede certain individualistic desires for our own good and for the good of others. I hate it, but I recognize both the inevitability and necessity. The cons are fighting a shift in species-wide behaviors—at least in the developed world. The kids know it.

    But something’s happening here that’s very fundamental and may represent as large a shift as the rise of agriculture and decline of the hunter gatherer. Or the invention of writing. Certainly as we moved from hunter-gatherers to farmers, then to the empiricism that has driven change for the last few centuries we have become way more successful as a social species. This continues at an accelerated pace today. Our political responses need to keep up. The cons because they are against change don’t see the facts changing around them due to a highly selective form of confirmation bias. But, the facts will govern. They always do.

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