Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 04, 1998
Mike: Ha, ha, ha! Chortle! Guffaw! I wonder if I'd find these funny if I weren't in the business...Hi, folks! Caught you reading the sunday comics, didn't I? Don't be embarrassed - millions of folks read 'em! Ever wonder where all the ideas come from? Well, believe it or not, we're often inspired by stories in -shudder- the rest of the paper! Once the kernal of an idea has been found, crack teams of researchers, writers, and artists develop a story in dozens of drafts and prepartory sketches! Of course, not all ideas are created equal - not by a long shot! Even after weeks of development some strips - like this one - have to be scrapped! Disappointing? You bet! But that's what quality control is all about!
walde 4 months ago
This Sunday is a rerun of September 04, 1994