That’s what karaoke is for. If you’re (more or less) on key and you put a lot of energy into your performance, that’s enough to get applause out of a bar full of drunk people. And if you’re not even that good, there’s always someone worse than yourself, so you can feel good about being better than that person.
blunebottle about 7 years ago
Uh……….Oh! I thought you said sinning!
ladykat about 7 years ago
As long as the neighbourhood dogs don’t start howling, you’re OK, Aunty.
Marvin Premium Member about 7 years ago
Great thanks to the Comic Czar that this strip doesn’t have a sound track.
cuzinron47 about 7 years ago
Just keep it in the shower.
ChessPirate about 7 years ago
I had to mentally insert a colon and re-read it…
shamino about 7 years ago
That’s what karaoke is for. If you’re (more or less) on key and you put a lot of energy into your performance, that’s enough to get applause out of a bar full of drunk people. And if you’re not even that good, there’s always someone worse than yourself, so you can feel good about being better than that person.
Zen-of-Zinfandel about 7 years ago
Just like a broken record : > )
Gent about 7 years ago
Things I’m good at : Gobbling food.
Things I do a lot of : Gobbling food.
Now gimme all your food and hand over your picanic baskets.