Wow, even FOX, the one, true news service has Trump only at 38% approval and 67% disapproval. That’s 95%. People either love Trump or hate him. There’s very little middle ground (only 5%). If the poll can be trusted, it will keep statisticians busy for ages. Results are rarely this bipolar.
Farside99 about 7 years ago
At least that’s what the media’s reporting…. They’ll retract it tomorrow, on page 16, hidden away in lower case.
There, that ought to set off your flame war. {^¿^} Have fun with it.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 7 years ago
Impeach them all!
Nyckname about 7 years ago
Wonder if it’s too late to find an orangutan costume and a Trump mask.
Nighthawks Premium Member about 7 years ago
bigly numbers counted out on tiny little hands
DanFlak about 7 years ago
Wow, even FOX, the one, true news service has Trump only at 38% approval and 67% disapproval. That’s 95%. People either love Trump or hate him. There’s very little middle ground (only 5%). If the poll can be trusted, it will keep statisticians busy for ages. Results are rarely this bipolar.
Texanna Premium Member about 7 years ago
1.5 million people got off food stamps this year, and you notice the boys bag is full of candy. Thanks Trump for making America great again.
cuzinron47 about 7 years ago
Not a gold costume choice if you want positive results.
Zen-of-Zinfandel about 7 years ago
Hubby is in for a yuge surprise.
brain Les about 7 years ago
gopher gofer about 7 years ago
yuuuuge numbers…?
Mike H about 7 years ago
Yes the mask makers did a superb job, They worked so hard and….
Daeder about 7 years ago
It would be a poor choice for any kid. Way too tempting to give someone wearing a costume the spanking that the real one so richly deserves!