I have a guinea pig in my high school classroom that is not the run of the mill red and white color. She’s tan and beige and very pretty! However, I can definitely confirm guinea pig inertia is a thing!
Danders unwittingly (no one ever said guinea pigs were super-smart, except for Danders himself) endorses Petey’s lifestyle of minimizing action and seeking a zen-like state of meditative inertia. The only acceptable “activity” is reading Little Neuro comics….
smorbie the great and beautiful about 7 years ago
So, Petey is a guinea pig, huh? When I think of inertia, Petey comes to mind.
pumaman about 7 years ago
I don’t think Alice could be inert for very long.
GROG Premium Member about 7 years ago
It smacks of Little Neuro.
ellisaana Premium Member about 7 years ago
Benni’s mom is a follower of antibumponthelogism. Is that a world-wide movement, or simply a personal choice.
fuzzybritches about 7 years ago
The “Way of the Guinea Pig.” Sounds like a grand life philosophy!
maestrabella67 about 7 years ago
I have a guinea pig in my high school classroom that is not the run of the mill red and white color. She’s tan and beige and very pretty! However, I can definitely confirm guinea pig inertia is a thing!
Sisyphos about 7 years ago
Danders unwittingly (no one ever said guinea pigs were super-smart, except for Danders himself) endorses Petey’s lifestyle of minimizing action and seeking a zen-like state of meditative inertia. The only acceptable “activity” is reading Little Neuro comics….