Heheh, this reminds me of the time I got scolded by a teacher for getting a bad grade on his mid semesters. His voice sounded like Donald Duck and I pictured Donald Duck getting mad at me, and inevitably, I laughed by accident. He got so mad, he didn’t allow me to take the remedial test. My other friends got a remedial for that, I wasn’t allowed… Good thing I passed the grade afterwards though.
Happy Thanksgiving all!!! Fun fact: Did you know that it was Abraham Lincon who declared Thanksgiving a national holiday? He even did it right in the middle of the civil war. Even though the country was going through some major racism and awful battles Mr. Abe Lincoln wanted our focus to be on God, and those fighting for freedom.
For those of u who r wondering, the auction is at https://comics.ha.com/itm/original-comic-art/comic-strip-art/lincoln-pierce-big-nate-daily-comic-strip-original-art-dated-11-23-2017-andrews-mcmeel-synd/a/121791-99089.s?ic4=GalleryView-ShortDescription-071515
...dfd about 7 years ago
I don’t see any room for a twist now, I like the auction part.
Iamtheone about 7 years ago
What is nate expecting Mrs Godfrey to believe? Btw happy thanksgiving
JOSH T101 about 7 years ago
I’ll get that book for 3 thousand dollars. Take it or leave it.
Silica Gel about 7 years ago
Heheh, this reminds me of the time I got scolded by a teacher for getting a bad grade on his mid semesters. His voice sounded like Donald Duck and I pictured Donald Duck getting mad at me, and inevitably, I laughed by accident. He got so mad, he didn’t allow me to take the remedial test. My other friends got a remedial for that, I wasn’t allowed… Good thing I passed the grade afterwards though.
Silica Gel about 7 years ago
Who knows that Mrs. Godfrey might forgive him if he made a nice comic about her and threw away all the mean ones. (By force of course.)
xXAndezXx about 7 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope Mr.Peirce make a Thanksgiving special comic
mawperson about 7 years ago
The notebook looks really tall and thin in the first panel. I am surprised Mrs Godfrey hasnt started screaming out of control yet.
Thot Patrol about 7 years ago
Happy Thanskgiving! Also, why would nate auction off is comics?
CanadaBall about 7 years ago
I’m Canadian so I didn’t know it was thanksgiving as we have it in October
hev1 about 7 years ago
Bad move, Nate. It’s never good to laugh when a teacher is lecturing you.
LINK_O_NEAL about 7 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving all!!! Fun fact: Did you know that it was Abraham Lincon who declared Thanksgiving a national holiday? He even did it right in the middle of the civil war. Even though the country was going through some major racism and awful battles Mr. Abe Lincoln wanted our focus to be on God, and those fighting for freedom.
BiggerNate91 about 7 years ago
What if Mrs. Godfrey likes the ones that aren’t of her??
Boosted (Heavy main in TF2) about 7 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving guys! I’m happy to see that no one has spammed this section today. Enjoy your feasts/blessings!
Nierro about 7 years ago
Just grab the notebook and RUN!
goochie about 7 years ago
why is this in auction?
AnnabethChase18 about 7 years ago
For those of u who r wondering, the auction is at https://comics.ha.com/itm/original-comic-art/comic-strip-art/lincoln-pierce-big-nate-daily-comic-strip-original-art-dated-11-23-2017-andrews-mcmeel-synd/a/121791-99089.s?ic4=GalleryView-ShortDescription-071515
FALLENUSER001 about 7 years ago
The link: HTTPS://WWW.HA.COM/NCS is actually an auction site!
Ivantoons about 7 years ago
Mrs. Godfrey finally grew a brain. Which could not have been seen in the last two strips…
Cha Cha Real Smooth about 7 years ago
Guys I returned… but my dad recently smashed the computer mouse into two pieces so now I can’t use it.
ND Cool Z almost 6 years ago
This comic’s been auctioned!
SonicFan91 almost 6 years ago
What’s with the link In panel 3
Jose'Crane almost 6 years ago
Or when there’s a Red Cross awareness blob underneath you.
ransomjdonald over 5 years ago
Ironically that natural disaster script at the bottom is perfectly aligned with Nate about to die to mrs . Godfrey
Tyrion HamiltonGoodson about 5 years ago
rey mondia over 4 years ago
Mrs. Godfery’s nose is blue in the black & white version.
Matthias about 4 years ago
Shrek Wazowski :) almost 4 years ago
nate’s face in panel three looks off
;) (no more greenhairedkid) (bghk) over 3 years ago
LOL bottoms of third panel
sebastian.sr.ruiz almost 3 years ago
I think they might Remove the www.HA.com/NCS in The next big nate Book: Big Nate: Beware of Low-Flying Corn Muffins
VMB! over 2 years ago
ALOT Of Work…-_-
Kingtallzilla over 2 years ago
Dude, your poker face blows
Spring Fever Nate (Not a comic reviewer) over 2 years ago
Why is there a random link in panel 3?
Futuristic Calvin over 2 years ago
This comic is in Big Nate: Beware of Low-Flying Corn Muffins, and the notice at the bottom of the third panel is not in the book
220001492 about 2 years ago
If I was Nate, I would laugh too
GaspingCat about 1 year ago
Wait…the third panel-I’m wheezing right now ToT