2 items of interest. An off duty cop stopped a shooting at a store by shooting the guy, good for him. He is TRAINED TO DO SO! He was not hurt. I am fine with that. Another guy shot a woman because he thought she was a deer. He was NOT TRAINED! That is the differences between good guys with guns. Some only THINK they are GOOD!
If you want to use and carry weapons you can’t unless you have been TRAINED and CERTIFIED on the level of any professional. Militias have to be trained. They are authorized by the state they are in. Though the National Guard services that function. It wasn’t until a radical Republican got into the US Supreme Court that changed the rulings made since the beginning. Re-interpreted the 2nd Amendment to allow for anyone to own a weapon without proof of ability or much of anything else. What we have is an any idiot can get a weapon culture.
CeeJay about 7 years ago
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 7 years ago
2 items of interest. An off duty cop stopped a shooting at a store by shooting the guy, good for him. He is TRAINED TO DO SO! He was not hurt. I am fine with that. Another guy shot a woman because he thought she was a deer. He was NOT TRAINED! That is the differences between good guys with guns. Some only THINK they are GOOD!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 7 years ago
If you want to use and carry weapons you can’t unless you have been TRAINED and CERTIFIED on the level of any professional. Militias have to be trained. They are authorized by the state they are in. Though the National Guard services that function. It wasn’t until a radical Republican got into the US Supreme Court that changed the rulings made since the beginning. Re-interpreted the 2nd Amendment to allow for anyone to own a weapon without proof of ability or much of anything else. What we have is an any idiot can get a weapon culture.