The Meaning of Lila by John Forgetta and L.A. Rose for November 26, 2017

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    kenhense  about 7 years ago

    Wait a minute – I though Annie was 12.

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    Phred Premium Member about 7 years ago


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    RoadTrip3500  about 7 years ago

    Well, Lila did go to college – that stuff does pop up from deep within the brain every once in a while…

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 7 years ago

    The belief in Santa for children is not much different than a belief in God for adults.

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    SMHLOL  about 7 years ago

    My kids are 21 and 29 they still tell me they believe in Santa, as they grew up, they said they were to old for Santa, and I said “great! no Santa no Christmas presents” LOL they still believe :))

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