This is terrible, a RERUN for New Year’s? You can argue that it may be funny, but after seeing this particular strip three times, it kinda loses it’s meaning.
If you think about it, this strip kind of makes sense for New Years. It says “high pressure” at the beginning, and that can be connected to the pressure of getting older and more responsibilities/ resolutions, maybe. I don’t know.
Aw, I wanted a Monopoly strip. If the person that said that big Nate was ending is right, this would have been our last monopoly strip. Happy last day of 2017 everyone
Hm… Dosen’t Mr. Peirce make comics 3 months in advance? That makes me wonder why he skipped a new year’s eve strip instead of other usual sunday strips. I’m still thankful that he is still making new arcs/strips, but still it makes you wonder why he skipped this important occasion when he makes the strips 3 months in advance. Oh well, I respect his decision, he wouldn’t have skipped it for no reason.
You guys are saying that we have no hope for a new years monopoly arc but if you remember we got the halloween arc a little late so I still have hope that we will get it tomorrow. Also have we ever seen a picture of Wink? I’m pretty sure that there has never been one but Idk either…
Well this is it, the beginning of the big 6 months of reruns……and the end of my run through the 2017 Big Nate strips! Whew, an entire year in just 4 days. Even I think that’s impressive! Maybe I would try it again but with the 2016 strips, but only when I really want to, probably after the next 3 Big Nate collections come out. Anyway, see you all back in the present! And remember to wear your….swimsuit in public pools!
Random Person almost 7 years ago
Damn. Looks like this year’s New Year’s arc is a rerun.
Nierro almost 7 years ago
Aww no Monopoly.
Flapjack almost 7 years ago
A rerun. Still funny though. The reaction at the end! LOL!
Nate's The Greatest! almost 7 years ago
This is terrible, a RERUN for New Year’s? You can argue that it may be funny, but after seeing this particular strip three times, it kinda loses it’s meaning.
hev1 almost 7 years ago
Focus in on Wink’s weathered face.
BigNateRules! almost 7 years ago
Things aren’t looking up (for both Wink Summers and Big Nate readers).
Four almost 7 years ago
If you think about it, this strip kind of makes sense for New Years. It says “high pressure” at the beginning, and that can be connected to the pressure of getting older and more responsibilities/ resolutions, maybe. I don’t know.
To0tsie almost 7 years ago
I really hope that there is a monopoly arc.
CanadaBall almost 7 years ago
Look at Nate’s head in pannel 1. 180 head turn
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 7 years ago
Amazing so entitled some commenters act, just because it is a rerun on one day.
Apollo almost 7 years ago
wink never changes
Rachel_E almost 7 years ago
Even though this strip is a rerun, it still made me laugh! :D
Lhenn almost 7 years ago
Aw, I wanted a Monopoly strip. If the person that said that big Nate was ending is right, this would have been our last monopoly strip. Happy last day of 2017 everyone
Chad Applewhite almost 7 years ago
And on the day before Christmas, when everyone is expecting a Monopoly game … it’s a rerun.
Silica Gel almost 7 years ago
Hm… Dosen’t Mr. Peirce make comics 3 months in advance? That makes me wonder why he skipped a new year’s eve strip instead of other usual sunday strips. I’m still thankful that he is still making new arcs/strips, but still it makes you wonder why he skipped this important occasion when he makes the strips 3 months in advance. Oh well, I respect his decision, he wouldn’t have skipped it for no reason.
LINK_O_NEAL almost 7 years ago
You guys are saying that we have no hope for a new years monopoly arc but if you remember we got the halloween arc a little late so I still have hope that we will get it tomorrow. Also have we ever seen a picture of Wink? I’m pretty sure that there has never been one but Idk either…
CanadaBall almost 7 years ago
I’m off on a vacation tommorow cya
Hockey17 almost 7 years ago
I think Nate’s the only kid that pays attention to TV meteorologists so closely.
TheBoss almost 7 years ago
Happy New Year (Eastern Standard Time)
MiguelNtirampeba almost 7 years ago
Ugh, the start of the 9 week rerun period.
CrossDoggo™ ✔️ almost 7 years ago
theworstnightmareus over 6 years ago
The reruns begin.
Clarence over 6 years ago
we interrupt this comic for breaking news the reruns are coming so everyone lock the windows and doors and TAKE COVER IMMEDALY
ND Cool Z almost 6 years ago
Well this is it, the beginning of the big 6 months of reruns……and the end of my run through the 2017 Big Nate strips! Whew, an entire year in just 4 days. Even I think that’s impressive! Maybe I would try it again but with the 2016 strips, but only when I really want to, probably after the next 3 Big Nate collections come out. Anyway, see you all back in the present! And remember to wear your….swimsuit in public pools!
SonicFan91 almost 6 years ago
Goodbye 2017. You have been a great year. You have bought us Super Mario Odyssey
Pig111 over 4 years ago
This ends august 5!
ThatEeshEpic over 4 years ago
Rerun, i think
MabelPines1234 about 4 years ago
Poor wink. He seems so depressed! :(
SpongeBob (Founder of The Spongebob Club) almost 4 years ago
The dark era. Nothing but reruns from 2009.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ almost 4 years ago
And here we go
hockey man almost 4 years ago
rerun week
Bubble over 3 years ago
Table tennis is better than ping pong, change my mind.
Grandmaster3 over 3 years ago
Ping Pong in December?