Nancy Classics by Ernie Bushmiller for September 26, 2019
September 25, 2019
September 27, 2019
Sluggo: I'm gonna be a carpenter when I grow up.
Nancy: I wish you'd become a musician. I love to see a boy carrying a musical instrument---It's so DIGNIFIED.
Tag reads: MUSICAL SAW
A professional would play a saw with no kerf, which helps one to avoid those unsightly bits of blood on the fingers. Also, I think they’re narrower gauge and more flexible than Dad’s kindling saw, which I found could be played with a hammer. All three of my sisters had bows, but I knew just enough not to destroy one of them for a session of acoustic Theremin.
atomicdog over 5 years ago
The Buster Brown/Fauntleroy suit was at least 40 years out of style by the time of this strip.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 5 years ago
Sluggo is wit.
mudleg over 5 years ago
HarryLime over 5 years ago
Some people have to work for a living. I find that to be “dignified.”
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Nancy sees….Sluggo saw….
Another Take over 5 years ago
Sluggo has too much pride to allow himself to be PLAYED by Nancy like that. Oh snap!
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Wouldn’t have needed the tag but still clever.
atomicdog over 5 years ago
We’ve SEEN Sluggo playing a musical instrument. He used to work in a music shop.
fix-n-fly over 5 years ago
Aren’t you missing your bow, Sluggo?
harkherp over 5 years ago
Panel @. a young Itzhak Perlman.Did not know he was from Three Rocks.
bookworm0812 over 5 years ago
You need a bow to make that work, Sluggo.
Kip W over 5 years ago
A professional would play a saw with no kerf, which helps one to avoid those unsightly bits of blood on the fingers. Also, I think they’re narrower gauge and more flexible than Dad’s kindling saw, which I found could be played with a hammer. All three of my sisters had bows, but I knew just enough not to destroy one of them for a session of acoustic Theremin.
brklnbern over 5 years ago
Sluggo the Blue Grass musician.