I once had a combination German Shepherd and Dachshund that I called a Shepherdox. I watched him being procreated. The sire was the Dachs, who climbed onto a footstool to answer nature’s urging while his inamorata obliging made her relevant body part available. Quite an amazing re-production!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 7 years ago
Too bad we couldn’t have gotten Zorba and Yorkie together. I’ll bet they would have hit it off famously.
Willywise52 Premium Member about 7 years ago
I don’t believe that about the smallest dog.Not possible.
peggykb9 about 7 years ago
Love these facts and tidbits about cats and dogs! Maybe ferret records are next? Thanks, Darby!
Kind&Kinder about 7 years ago
I once had a combination German Shepherd and Dachshund that I called a Shepherdox. I watched him being procreated. The sire was the Dachs, who climbed onto a footstool to answer nature’s urging while his inamorata obliging made her relevant body part available. Quite an amazing re-production!