File number 20048- She once threw me into a man eating tiger pit. File 50001-Ran off with whatever treasure we found and betrayed me to the bad guys for the l000th time…
Being partnered with the Ripster ALLLLWAYS motivates the raven haired felonious vixen!Rip should look Breezy lovingly in her eyes, gently caress her gun hand, and growl “put me in coach and I will get you that touchdown!”
Phred Premium Member about 7 years ago
Get Cobra’s attention by figuring out what motivates her.
I AM CARTOON LADY! about 7 years ago
File number 20048- She once threw me into a man eating tiger pit. File 50001-Ran off with whatever treasure we found and betrayed me to the bad guys for the l000th time…
tad1 about 7 years ago
Cobra isn’t completely evil. She did help save the Sheriff of Seagull Bay, for example. As for what motivates her, how about cash?
tejanolasereyes about 7 years ago
Being partnered with the Ripster ALLLLWAYS motivates the raven haired felonious vixen!Rip should look Breezy lovingly in her eyes, gently caress her gun hand, and growl “put me in coach and I will get you that touchdown!”