“The tables are about to turn as the prey plans a sneak attack against the predator. The prey catches the predator hiding and ready to attack, but the prey takes a new route towards the predator. In its own home, the prey readies a loud sound to scare the predator. The sneak attack works but unfortunately the prey still gets the mauling that it apparently deserved as it turns out, the predator was in fact enjoying a nice nap”. (Cue the national geographic theme song)
Never done that to a tiger, but to a skunk at Bear Lake in Idaho. That skunk, like a cat went three feet straight up, hit the ground running. It never let loose with the chemical response.
BE THIS GUY almost 7 years ago
Calvin, you would have been disappointed if this didn’t happen.
The Calvinosaurus That Calvin Wanted To Discover almost 7 years ago
It’s amazing how small Hobbes was in Panel 2.
codycab almost 7 years ago
“The tables are about to turn as the prey plans a sneak attack against the predator. The prey catches the predator hiding and ready to attack, but the prey takes a new route towards the predator. In its own home, the prey readies a loud sound to scare the predator. The sneak attack works but unfortunately the prey still gets the mauling that it apparently deserved as it turns out, the predator was in fact enjoying a nice nap”. (Cue the national geographic theme song)
Bilan almost 7 years ago
Didn’t the book tell you that tigers are sore losers?
Milady Meg almost 7 years ago
I wanna see what happened just before the final panel.
SuperAndy Premium Member almost 7 years ago
The next to last panel is gorgeous. Love the artwork!
tripwire45 almost 7 years ago
Oh, but it was so worth it.
Amra Leo almost 7 years ago
Sneaking up on a tiger can be hazardous to your health. Kudos though, for sneaking up on a tiger. Not an easy feat…
A Hip loving Canadian... almost 7 years ago
Didn’t the book explain it isn’t polite to sneak up on a tiger?
TMMILLER Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Never done that to a tiger, but to a skunk at Bear Lake in Idaho. That skunk, like a cat went three feet straight up, hit the ground running. It never let loose with the chemical response.
BiathlonNut almost 7 years ago
“Remember that a cat has six sides, and five of them are pointy.” — Calvin
bigcatbusiness almost 7 years ago
It’s better to stay true to certain routines.
Teto85 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Don’t startle the kittehs!!
Number Three almost 7 years ago
ComicRater about 5 years ago