In Security by Bea R. for March 01, 2018

  1. Godzilla  i of the storm by adiraiju d4r0ysf
    Adiraiju  almost 7 years ago

    …Anyone remember the end of “Killdozer” when the mysterious power finally died when it left the bulldozer?… yeah, I expected something like that.

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  2. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  almost 7 years ago

    So . . . A dumb looking statue got smashed?


    I do feel bad for Sedine, though.

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  3. 0438aab5 b754 4b25 b41d bb310caeac1d
    GirlGeek Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Not going to lie, I feel bad for Sedine. I know this is supposed to be a funny comic and it is, but it’s a bit dark here. Sedine’s face is just crushed and I just want to give her a hug.

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  4. Homer  invent that
    comic4matt  almost 7 years ago

    Had I been Sam, I would’ve just ask a friend to ’’buy’’ it for an art collection, with some money I’d gave him…

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  5. Tokiyamikagami
    NewPatriot778  almost 7 years ago

    I think “slow motion” is redundant in a comic strip…

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  6. Tokiyamikagami
    NewPatriot778  almost 7 years ago

    I was mistaken, Roy turned out to be the hero after all, and made Sedine cry in the process, yep that’s Roy…

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  7. Tokiyamikagami
    NewPatriot778  almost 7 years ago

    Just as good, she was neglecting Ow anyway, now I bet he’s the only one who can make Sedine feel better.

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  8. Spill
    metalmamba  almost 7 years ago

    I hope she has a spare. That statue was cool.

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  9. 2541 6924938
    mjb515  almost 7 years ago

    Now, with the artifact she had put all her power into destroyed, Sedine will roam the land as a remnant of a shadow.

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  10. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 7 years ago

    Ah, there’s Roy. ✨

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  11. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 7 years ago

    The ’Password’ is …

    … ‘Indispensable.’” ✨
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  12. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 7 years ago

    Sweet, Sweet Callback … ✨

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  13. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 7 years ago

    Panel #2:

    ”Clo-Chi” Saw It Coming. ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
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  14. Missing large
    jamescordeiro  almost 7 years ago

    Our lawn blazers? Fighting with the Gamalons, we won’t stop until were done…?

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  15. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 7 years ago

    “In Security” for 3/2/18:


    Interior, Art Gallery, Day: The cast attending a showing of Charlene’s photography, single panoramic panel.

    SEDINE (A small storm cloud floating above her head):


    CHARLINE (‘Spokesmodel’ pose, standing in front of a series of photos depicting ‘The Destruction of ‘Clo-Chi,’ ending with a shot of a devastated Sedine):

    “I call this one ‘Human Misery.’”

    ELLIE (Leaning in):

    “Oooh! Profound!”

    ROY (Contemplative):


    “That’s ‘Misery’ all right.”

    SAM (Rapturous Whisper):

    “Free at last …”

    “Free at last …” ✨
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  16. Neo stryder avatar
    Neo Stryder  almost 7 years ago

    Now that the statue is broken, what will happen with the evil spirit inside it?

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  17. Missing large
    Tue Elung-Jensen  almost 7 years ago

    Her wrath and vengeance will be swift and just – or she might just make another, even uglier monkey child.

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  18. Missing large
    jdsven  almost 7 years ago

    How do we know Clo-chi isn’t like The One Ring or a Horcrux and can’t just be destroyed like that?

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  19. Mmdash6
    Pequod  almost 7 years ago

    In stylish boots she aims and shoots

    Captures Sedine’s despair.

    Roy does his part. Tears it apart

    He’d better have a care.

    The Clo-Chi is now history

    Bad memory for most.

    Its maker anguished o’er the loss

    It haunts her like a ghost.

     •  Reply
  20. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 7 years ago

    “In Security” for 3/3/18:

    PANEL #1:

    Exterior, Day.

    Establishing Shot of Sedine and Sam returning to their duplex, snow still scattered about on the ground.



    “‘Clo-Chi’ belongs to the ages now.”

    SAM: “At least Charlene gave you copies of the pictures.”

    PANEL #2:

    Exterior, Day, Two-Shot.

    Closer on Sam and Sedine, ‘Lovey-Dovey’ pose, gazing into each other’s eyes.

    SAM (Quoting ‘The Vision’ from ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron”):

    “Besides …”

    “… ‘a thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts.’”

    SEDINE (Melting a little inside):

    “Oooo …”

    PANEL #3:

    Exterior, Day.

    The camera is placed low so that we can see Sam and Sedine’s shoes as they enter the duplex: In the foreground, CLO-CHI’S SEVERED HANDS rise up ominously from the snow.

    SEDINE: “… you’re gonna save my soul yet!” ❤️


    “THE END …?!!” ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
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  21. Missing large
    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Well, you’ll always have pictures.

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  22. Vietnam vet
    hk Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Charlene looking good in panel 1, nice long hair.

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  23. Vietnam vet
    hk Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    I see Ellie in the back behind Sedine, so guess leap and fall didn’t hurt her.

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  24. Vietnam vet
    hk Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Poor Sedine. Sure wish I could give you a hug. You made it, they came, they didn’t understand. (Shouldn’t have cursed it when you created it, and it probably would have been okay.)

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  25. Mid9
    Leslie B.  almost 7 years ago

    Hey… it’s on the front page today.

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  26. Sheet faced man color small
    erniejpdx  almost 7 years ago

    Today’s trivia question: what supernatural creature/comic strip character does Sedine resemble in the last panel? My guess would be La Llorona, although I’m often wrong about such things.

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  27. The boondocks huey 5
    Mijo94  almost 7 years ago

    WOOHOO!! The beast is de…uh I mean, I’m so sorry Sedine. Good job Roy :)

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  28. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 7 years ago

    As if Sedine didn’t have enough reasons to hate Roy…

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  29. 1937
    billdi Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    The revenge of the clo-chi is a dish best served cold…

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  30. Jmao9763
    mddshubby2005  almost 7 years ago

    Run! The evil spirit has been released from Clo-Chi, all praise Yog-soggoth!!!

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  31. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 7 years ago


    Over 100 Comments Today~!! ✨
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  32. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Lawn Blazers? I prefer the original, Mower Yamato.

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  33. Aaue7md1d3xol5yiczutqrpeqb0ih 2vtxqpv2knkrw8
    WentHulk  9 months ago

    Poor Sedine.

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